Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 9-11

We have had no wifi/Internet, so here is an entry from last week.
June 9. Sunday, the beginning of our 3rd week. We are now at the top of the Chesapeake Bay, ready to go through the canal and down the Delaware River. But the weather forecast for the next few days is not good.

Tuesday, June 11.  Rained off and on yesterday, but we were in the lovely Sassafras River where we could swim in fresh water and even had a little walk in a park ashore. It was stormy all night, so not very restful!

This morning we motored through the canal, timing it to get the favorable current, and whizzing thru at 8.8 knots. Now we are anchored on the Delaware side ready to leave tomorrow at zero-dark-thirty to get some help from the river current.

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