Thursday, June 6, 2013

Surprise! Tropical Storm Andrea

June 6.  We motored up to Annapolis yesterday. It was a calm and sunny beautiful day.  We're here to wait out the rainy weather, probably 3 days maybe 4.  It's a pleasant city and friendly to cruisers.  We walked 20 minutes to the supermarket this morning and will go to the central harbor later and take showers, which you can still get for $1.  We do not have a shower on our boat.  There is an Art Festival this weekend, but maybe it will get rained out.  Things are supposed to be worse in Oriental so I hope you all will be ok.


  1. Glad to hear you are in safe in port. Looks like worst of storm will be off to our west, but we will probably get a good bit of rain.

  2. Hey Elizabeth! Thanks for blogging. It's nice to know where you are and how you're doing. And, it appears that I can leave comments. :-) Maybe that's because I have a Gmail address with Google. Keep on posting!
