Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12. Our Cruising Plan

Everyone is asking me "Where are you going?" and  "When are you leaving?"  The short answers are "North" and "Soon."

The long answers: 
1.  We hope to get as far as Cape Cod, but with sailing boats everything depends on the weather and luck.  If the wind blew steadily and not too hard from the south, we could be in Cape Cod in a couple of weeks.  Or we could wait a couple of weeks somewhere for the wind to stop blowing from the Northeast. It might take 4-6 weeks to get there or something could prevent us from getting there at all. 

2.  We hope to be able to leave sometime between the 19th and  29th of May. We will be ready to leave this weekend if no unsuspected problems turn up, but we won't leave until we have a good forecast- at least no predicted storms. 

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